Viser nå: Queensland - Postfrimerker (1880 - 1889) - 36 frimerker.

[No. 40a Surcharged "Half-penny", type D]
Nr. Type D tilstand Ubrukte Brukte Brev/FDC
47 D ½/1P - 327 190 - USD  Info
[Queen Victoria, type E] [Queen Victoria, type A74]
Nr. Type D tilstand Ubrukte Brukte Brev/FDC
48 E 2Sh - 109 32.71 - USD  Info
49 A74 2´6Sh´P - 190 65.42 - USD  Info
50 A75 5Sh - 218 109 - USD  Info
51 A76 10Sh - 436 190 - USD  Info
52 A77 20Sh - 872 190 - USD  Info
48‑52 - 1826 588 - USD 
[Queen Victoria - New Design, type F] [Queen Victoria - New Design, type F2] [Queen Victoria - New Design, type F4] [Queen Victoria - New Design, type F5] [Queen Victoria - New Design, type F6]
Nr. Type D tilstand Ubrukte Brukte Brev/FDC
53 F 1P - 6.54 0.55 - USD  Info
53a* F1 1P - 6.54 0.55 - USD  Info
54 F2 2P - 8.72 0.55 - USD  Info
55 F3 4P - 21.81 3.27 - USD  Info
56 F4 6P - 16.36 2.18 - USD  Info
57 F5 1Sh - 16.36 3.27 - USD  Info
57a* F6 1Sh - 32.71 3.27 - USD  Info
53‑57 - 69.79 9.82 - USD 
Nr. Type D tilstand Ubrukte Brukte Brev/FDC
53A F7 1P - 109 43.62 - USD  Info
54A F8 2P - 327 65.42 - USD  Info
57A F9 1Sh - 190 65.42 - USD  Info
[Queen Victoria - Thin Paper, type G4]
Nr. Type D tilstand Ubrukte Brukte Brev/FDC
58 G 2Sh - 136 32.71 - USD  Info
59 G1 2´6Sh´P - 109 32.71 - USD  Info
60 G2 5Sh - 87.23 32.71 - USD  Info
61 G3 10Sh - 190 65.42 - USD  Info
62 G4 - 436 190 - USD  Info
58‑62 - 959 354 - USD 
[Queen Victoria - Thick Paper, Different Watermark, type G6] [Queen Victoria - Thick Paper, Different Watermark, type G9]
Nr. Type D tilstand Ubrukte Brukte Brev/FDC
58A G5 2Sh - 136 32.71 - USD  Info
59A G6 2´6Sh´P - 65.42 43.62 - USD  Info
60A G7 5Sh - 65.42 32.71 - USD  Info
61A G8 10Sh - 327 109 - USD  Info
62A G9 - 327 136 - USD  Info
[Queen Victoria - Thick Paper, New Watermark, type G10] [Queen Victoria - Thick Paper, New Watermark, type G11] [Queen Victoria - Thick Paper, New Watermark, type G12] [Queen Victoria - Thick Paper, New Watermark, type G13]
Nr. Type D tilstand Ubrukte Brukte Brev/FDC
63 G10 2Sh - 136 43.62 - USD  Info
64 G11 2´6Sh´P - 65.42 32.71 - USD  Info
65 G12 5Sh - 54.52 43.62 - USD  Info
66 G13 10Sh - 136 65.42 - USD  Info
67 G14 - 272 87.23 - USD  Info
63‑67 - 665 272 - USD 
[Queen Victoria - New Drawings. White Line on Left side of Neck, type F10] [Queen Victoria - New Drawings. White Line on Left side of Neck, type F11] [Queen Victoria - New Drawings. White Line on Left side of Neck, type H1]
Nr. Type D tilstand Ubrukte Brukte Brev/FDC
68 F10 1P - 5.45 0.55 - USD  Info
69 F11 2P - 8.72 0.55 - USD  Info
69A* F12 2P - 327 65.42 - USD  Info
70 H 2Sh - 87.23 54.52 - USD  Info
70a* H1 2Sh - 87.23 32.71 - USD  Info
68‑70 - 101 55.62 - USD 


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